2024 Day of the Dead behind the scenes

Behind the scenes of our second year collaborating with amazing talented artists!

Collaboration: Makeup/Hair: Dusty Bolyard at KOH Salon, Facepaint by Alicia Lundquist, Beautiful Floral arrangements by Yanira Gabriel Creations, Behind the scenes photos by Jesse Horwath Photography, and the final photos by Darklens Photo.

Dia De Los Muertos. November 1 -2 is a combination of ancient Aztec tradition celebrated through mainly Mexico and within those of Mexican heritage by remembrance, prayer, love, creating alters of the dead with photos and memories and placing their favorite food, things that they enjoyed while they were alive & welcoming their return of their spirits. It is NOT a Mexican Halloween. It is a very special time to honor our deceased loved ones.Their journey of life and death personified in the human skeleton to remind others of the ephemeral nature of life. 

Coming together on this collaboration has been very spiritual and a way to process grief through art. Grief can be a lonely road for many of us and being in community with love and support is huge. thank you to those who have been a part of this project the last couple of years ✨🙏

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